Presenting Qualitative Findings – Important Strategies for Researchers

When it comes to presenting qualitative findings, there are a few simple rules that you can follow. These rules will make your presentation easier to read, more interesting, and easier for other people to understand. In this article, we’ll go over a few of the most important rules for presenting qualitative research findings. Keep in mind that these rules are just guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. Think about them as a starting point, and then adjust them to fit your audience, topic, and other factors.

Make a good introduction.

In a good introduction, you will begin with a statement of the problem and then introduce your research question. Explain why this is an important question and how you will approach it. Then, give a brief summary of what you have done so far in your research and explain why you did it this way.

Explain the methods.

Before you’ve presented your findings, it’s important to explain the methods you used. This section could include the following:

  • Descriptions of the methods used to collect data (e.g., interviews, observations) and analyze it (e.g., coding).
  • Information about how you interpreted your findings (e.g., through a focus group).
  • Details about how you present your findings (e.g., in a written report or presentation).

Present the data in sections.

Presenting qualitative findings in sections allows you to explain your findings and provide a clear structure for your dissertation. Your readers will be able to follow along easily and understand where you are going with your research. Presenting the data in detail focuses on what was said, when it was said, and how it was said. This provides a vivid picture of what took place during interviews or focus groups so that readers can see what went on during each session.

Presenting the qualitative findings in a coded way also helps provide direction for writing about qualitative research methods in general.

Interpret your data.

Interpretation is the process of understanding the meaning of data and how it relates to your research question. Interpreting qualitative data can take many forms, from identifying patterns, themes and relationships to creating theory from your findings.

When interpreting qualitative data, there are two main approaches:

  • Counting – This type of interpretation involves counting things like words or phrases in a dataset. It’s useful for making comparisons between different groups by looking at how many times people use similar words or phrases when describing a topic. For example, if in your interviews with women who had recently given birth you counted how many mothers said they ‘loved’ their baby compared with those who said they ‘didn’t love their baby’ (or were neutral about it) you could use this information as evidence that most new mothers feel positive emotions towards their babies while they are still in hospital after giving birth.
  • Coding – Coding is when researchers assign each piece of data with a code or label so that it can easily be grouped together later on; this helps to identify themes within larger datasets by grouping similar pieces together into categories called codes (eg: crying babies). This approach often starts with researchers reading through all the transcripts looking for keywords that relate closely enough to each other but differ enough not just be variations on one theme (e g: crying babies). Coding is considered an important and critical step and if you do not have the right expertise to do it then get dissertation help UK and get your work done by professionals.

Provide a clear summary at the end.

It may be tempting to leave the summary for last, but ideally you should incorporate it into the introduction. The purpose of the summary is to condense all your findings into one or two sentences that provide a quick overview of your research. While presenting qualitative findings be sure to include:

  • Main points and key insights.
  • How do these relate back to your research questions?
  • A brief conclusion.

How to present your qualitative findings in a dissertation or thesis

In order to effectively presenting qualitative findings, you should use clear and simple language. A consistent style throughout the dissertation will help readers follow your argument easily.

Visual aids such as tables, graphs, and figures can be used to illustrate your findings. Use personal examples where relevant; this helps readers understand how you came up with certain conclusions and what they mean for their own research.


Hopefully, these strategies will help you present your qualitative findings in a dissertation or thesis. They’re not all that difficult to use, but they can make all the difference when it comes to communicating your research and making it accessible to others who may be interested in learning more.

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